Factoring in California: Factor Finders is Here to Help

New disclosure laws in California push for standardized disclosures for factoring companies, making invoice factoring agreements increasingly difficult. Currently, California ranks as the 5th largest economy in the world, making smooth business transactions pivotal.

Given the diverse nature of factoring contracts, adhering to the new disclosure requirements can be extremely complex. Oftentimes, factoring deals are customized to ensure the best benefit for the customer and factoring company. Factoring arrangements rarely fit into a prescribed disclosure format, causing factoring companies to shy away from deals within the state because they don’t want to go the extra mile to ensure compliance. Customers may be confused, agitated, and out of the loop because of this.

In a Nutshell:

  • California has implemented new commercial finance disclosure regulations
  • The wide array of factoring arrangements makes factoring difficult under new laws
  • Factoring companies are avoiding deals under new regulations to avoid trouble
  • Customers are turned away financing options and left in the dark

Luckily, Factor Finders refuses to shy away and welcomes California customers with open arms.

Factor Finders has the connections to pair you with the best trucking factoring companies for your business needs. No matter your location in the United States, we will find a suitable factor for you. Our clients are our number one priority, and nobody should be turned away from the funding necessary to operate their business because companies are worried about these new laws. We’re not like other companies.

We welcome potential customers from anywhere in the US to reach out and discuss the seamless way Factor Finders can find your California business the factor that provides the immediate funding you need to invest in your future. We are willing to push through these challenges for you.

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